Phillip Islanders have been trying to build a public swimming pool for over two decades. The forthcoming Federal election provides us with an opportunity to achieve this dream but to get federal support, Bass Coast Shire Council must advocate strongly for it to the Federal candidates.
Quite reasonably, Council has stated that it needs to plan for the requirements of all sporting bodies and we have been waiting to see what this would look like for a long time. Having grown tired of waiting we have drawn up a concept plan to stimulate discussion and move the project ahead. Our aspirational plan (shown above) indicates how a pool and other major sporting facilities could fit together on one potential site in Cowes (please note these elements can be reconfigured to suit other sites).
Please support us by demanding that Bass Coast Shire prioritise the development of the Phillip Island Aquatic and well-being centre in the next 5 years and advocate strongly on our behalf.
Why does Phillip Island need this pool?
We live on an island surrounded by water but there are inadequate pool resources locally for school children to be taught how to swim and basic water survival skills, even though the Victorian State government in 2016 mandated that all primary school children must be able to swim 50 meters.
We have a growing aged population who need warm water rehabilitation and exercise to maintain health and physical functionality. Whilst classes exist at the Wonthaggi pool (40 minutes away), they are heavily over-subscribed and unable to service the great demand for them.
A pool would provide year round opportunities for young people to enjoy healthy and fun activities in a positive and supervised space and provide an alternative to the beach reducing the risk of skin cancer, levels of which in the area are one of the highest in Victoria.
We have many talented young swimmers living on Phillip Island who must travel extensively to train in a suitable pool. Provision of a pool would provide an opportunity to develop a greater range of aquatic activities including underwater hockey, water polo aquarobics, basic Scuba training and enhance early training for young life-savers. Notably our life-savers save many people from the treacherous waters around Phillip Island.
It would also enhance the range of activities available to visitors throughout the year, particularly when the weather is inclement.
Please sign this petition and send a strong message to Bass Coast Shire Council that waiting two decades is long enough. We need a pool now!