This letter is included below which I hope will again enable all residents to get behind our drive to raise money, to allow this very important piece of infrastructure to go ahead, as soon as possible.
We were told when amalgamation of Councils took place, an Aquatic Centre should be built on Phillip Island, when will our Council understand, why this centre is needed.
It is not for any other reason than for better HEALTH and WELLBIENG but also a tool to help SAVE LIVES.
Bass Coast Shire Council
76 McBride Avenue
Wonthaggi VIC 3995
Attention Mr Paul Buckley - Chief Executive Officer
Dear Mr Buckley
I write to express the support of Surfing Victoria for Bass Coast Shire to commit to the provision of an Aquatic Centre on Phillip Island.
The benefits of an Aquatic Centre to the Phillip Island for both the permanent and visitor populations would be invaluable in providing for not just the health and well being of the community but also will play a part in public safety.
With the pristine beaches of Phillip Island attracting both surfers and beach goers from not just the island but the state and from around the world the water safety and swimming skills honed at such a facility will play an important part in keeping our community safer.
Yours sincerely
Max Wells
Chief Executive Officer
Surfing Victoria
If anyone would like to help us achieve our goal we have established a partnership with the Australian Sports Foundation to raise the vital funds to help build our Aquatic Centre.
Below I show two ways you can deposit your donation, or just look out for members of our committee at various functions, were you can make a donation, purchase a Bumper Sticker or raffle ticket.
For Tax Deductibility
For non Tax Deductibility
NAB Cowes BSB 083593, Account No. 560653544.
Unfortunately we CAN’T give you tax deductibility.
(Make sure that you notate your name).