Then 1995-6 came with Jeff Kennett amalgamated council shires of which we were one. What Jeff did do, was have a feasibility studio carried out and paid for it, what was the verdict Build the Phillip Island Aquatic Centre now. However the commissioners of the new BCSC destroyed the feasibility study and we have been fighting for Council to revisit the issue for the last 25 years.
And we still have NO definite plans from Council when we will see it.
Between Phillip Island and San Remo 49% of the total general rate and garbage charges of the shire are realized, and what have we seen from the recreation expenditure over that time.
Surveys run by both our committee and the Phillip Island and San Remo Advertiser have returned an over whelming result to build the Aquatic Centre next, but still it falls on deaf ears in Wonthaggi.
Some will say Phillip Island has had its share of money spent on recreational structure, they fail to see that some if not all was agreed to be spent several years ago and it is only being spent now, I think this may be because of reserves being in the mix.
The results of the 2016 Census, Phillip Island represents 32% of the shires residents all living on the island; some 31.5% were aged below 19 years of age cohorts and 31.5% above 65 again of the total shire. If these figures don’t press the need I don’t know what will, with each year that passes we continue to grow. These figures don’t take into effect of the massive number of holiday homes on the Island, which represents 44% of total dwellings of the shire.
We require much more recreation services as the Island has been left for most of the 25 years since amalgamation without any improvements.
Our current group of Councillors was canvassed before their election to gauge their support for an Aquatic Centre on the Island, can we say they have lived up to that commitment, they have one year left of their time, will or can they achieve that goal of an Aquatic Centre, time is running out.
What are we Reduction in burden of disease in our Community
seeking to Community expectations
address? Social disadvantage
Unacceptable rates of drownings
What’s the Improved community health, wellbeing and social inclusion
benefit? Meeting community expectations
More jobs, great economic expectations
Reduced risk of drowning
Who Estimated 400,000 visitations per annum
Benefits? Schools
Older aged members of the community
Allied health providers and their patients
People with disabilities
Low socioeconomic population
Visitors to the Bass Coast
Sporting clubs
Community organisations
Local businesses
Cost of Lower levels of physical activity, social engagement
Inaction Increased levels of detrimental health outcomes
Increased likelihood of drownings
Delivering Improved community health, wellbeing and social inclusion
Meeting community expectations
More jobs, great economic benefits
Reduced risk of drowning
Est. $65M – total economic benefit
183 construction jobs
Approx 78 permanent full time jobs
All primary aged children learn to swim at least 50 metres
Affordable recreation facilities
Encourage better health through activity
The Shire has to develop a business case that
demonstrates that the project will be open to the public
by the end of 2022.
Peter McMahon
Phillip Island Aquatic Centre Fund Inc.